A Positive and Empowering Experience — My Total Rewards Internship at SST-VN

A Positive and Empowering Experience — My Total Rewards Internship at SST-VN

Simpson Strong-Tie Viet Nam (SST-VN) team intern Nghi Chau shares her experience working with our HR Total Rewards team. Her internship provided valuable real-world experience and a chance to build meaningful relationships with supportive colleagues at SST-VN.

Hi there! Let me start by saying Im a graduate student at Ton Duc Thang University, studying human resources management. I stumbled upon Simpson Strong-Tie Viet Nam (SST-VN) through a Facebook post and got hooked after watching a fun video about the people of SST-VN on YouTube. 

At SST-VN, I delved into the intricate world of Total Rewards (TRs). My days were overflowing with tasks like organizing documents, managing

Nghi Chau
Nghi Chau

legal affairs and supporting HR policies. The challenge of document storage management kept me on my toes, offering a blend of thrill and accomplishment. It was hectic, but it gave me an opportunity to learn how to manage tasks and deadlines by creating a seamless workflow that provides precise outcomes.  

Throughout my work, Im struck by how my education at school has come to life in this internship. Concepts I once studied in textbooks now manifest themselves vividly in the workplace. The theories and principles that once seemed abstract have taken on tangible form, shaping my understanding of human resources management in profound ways. 

Nghi Chau at their desk
Nghi Chau at their desk

The people at SST-VN? Exceptional. They werent just colleagues; they were

Nghi Chau in the office
Nghi Chau in the office

friends. Their dedication to their responsibilities and to teamwork was evident in every interaction. Their generosity knew no bounds treating me to snacks and drinks and sharing lighthearted jokes that made each day a little brighter. What truly stands out, though, is the support and guidance I received from my supervisors. They werent just mentors they were thoughtful advisors, always ready to offer insights into areas I hadn’t yet explored. They empowered me to stretch my boundaries, to delve into new territories of knowledge and skill. 

And let’s not forget the fun activities at SST-VN! From festive Christmas celebrations to the lively Tell Me photo auction, there was never a dull moment. These activities not only brought us closer together as a team but also added a dash of joy to our workdays. 

Office Party
Office Party

As my time at SST-VN ends, the warmth of their farewell party lingers in my heart. Colleagues came together to bid me farewell in a way that truly reflected the spirit of SST-VN. My farewell to SST-VN was filled with gratitude for the enriching journey I’ve experienced with them. The lessons learned, friendships forged, and professional growth achieved have left an indelible mark on me. I am profoundly thankful for the opportunities provided and the unwavering support extended by the SST-VN team. The laughter, the shared memories and the genuine well wishes made it a moment I’ll cherish forever. 

Christmas Party
Christmas Party

Leaving SST-VN isn’t just about closing a chapter; it’s about carrying forward the lessons I’ve learned and the feeling of camaraderie I experienced. With a sense of appreciation and anticipation, I eagerly embrace the next phase of my journey, with the experiences gained here for guidance. Thank you, SST-VN, for the invaluable opportunities and memories — I’ll carry them with me always. 

Office Party with fellow coworkers
Office Party with fellow coworkers

Author: Nghi Chau

Nghi Chau was an intern with our Simpson Strong-Tie Viet Nam HR Total Rewards team.