Spring is officially here, and that means a lot more outdoor living and entertaining. Is your outdoor space ready? While most homeowners focus on building a new deck or on deck maintenance, redoing your fence can also transform your space. Do you know what the crucial structural connections of a strong wooden fence? We will outline them here, along with a sneak peek at our newest fence bracket, the FBFZ, just in time for spring.
We’ve all experienced it before in our lives. It starts out great; a new solid, sturdy companion that you can really lean on. Protecting each other from much in life, you grow to depend and count on one another. Over the years, you may notice a slight decline in the abilities and attributes you once relied on. Or maybe you hardly notice, since you’re not paying attention the way you did in the early days. The next thing you know, it’s been 20 years and you realize things have fallen apart! Wait… you all knew I was talking about fence