The traditional method of support uses steel pieces that are cut for a specific location and the element supported. Those steel pieces are then welded together (either in the shop or onsite) to create support frames. Those support frames are then welded to the steel roof trusses. Often the equipment used for the initial design is a placeholder that will be swapped with a similar piece at that last minute. But the final choice could have different dimensions and/or a different weight than the originally specified piece. The roof joists are spaced at a nominal spacing that is not exact, for example joists spaced at 24 inches on center may have some joists 22 inches apart and others 26 inches apart. The traditional method is time-consuming because the support frame’s specific measurements may or may not match the equipment, leaving steel fabricators scrambling to devise a better fit.

The inventor of QuickFrames roof support frames struggled with the challenges of the traditional method described above and decided to find a better way to address these challenges. He drew inspiration from a favorite childhood toy: the Erector Set. With telescoping rails, the product can be adjusted onsite to match the final layout. The bolted connections allow for lower training requirements for installation compared to the field welded connections of the traditional method. Field bolting makes fast installation achievable, reducing labor time and costs.

By creating hangers that fit within the flutes of metal decking, QuickFrames can be installed from the top (as drop-in frames) or from the underside (for retrofit projects or buildings that have already installed the metal deck). There are a variety of hangers to suit the needs of attachment. Many of these include bolts that are tightened from the underside to assist with the gravity attachment of the rail to the steel joists. In some instances, a welded hanger may be required. The welded hanger looks similar to the image shown to the right however, it does not include the bolts, instead using a weld from the hanger to the steel joist(s).

QuickFrames support systems are designed for ready installation. Each frame is color coordinated so that the pieces that work together are easy to find and assemble. Colors are based on the frame opening size and rail length specified in the design. Once an order is placed, the hangers are attached to the rails, parts are color coordinated, and an installation instruction sheet is included on the pallet. The order is shipped to the jobsite ready to be received and installed. With the addition of QuickFrames to Simpson Strong-Tie’s structural steel solutions family, the line is filled with field-bolted connections at the forefront of design and construction.

With QuickFrames, Simpson Strong-Tie wants to help you save time and labor in your rooftop designs. The QuickFrames solution is adjustable, field-bolted, easy to order, and easy to install.