Earthquake Safety

You might not think you live in earthquake country, but at least 42 states are considered at moderate to very high earthquake risk. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, California, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington and Wyoming have all been hit with a 4.0 or above magnitude earthquake since 2003.

Lessons Learned

Some of the largest earthquakes have been in our backyard (California). You may recall seeing the news during the 1989 Loma Pieta earthquake in northern California, which measured 7.1 on the Richter scale. The destructive quake caused 63 deaths, 3,757 injuries and $6 billion in property damage. Five years later, southern California was hit with a major earthquake. The Northridge earthquake had a 6.7 magnitude and was felt for 2,000 square miles. The quake killed 60 people, injured 11,000, left 20,000 homeless and damaged more than 40,000 buildings.

The good news is that the industry has learned a great deal since these earthquakes occurred and has developed new construction methods that better equip homes to withstand a seismic event. We invite you to learn more about earthquakes, how they affect your home and what you can do to increase your home’s earthquake resistance.

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